The July 2016 issue of Celebrate Arkansas included a feature article titled “16 To Watch in 2016, Celebrating the Next Generation of Leadership in Northwest Arkansas”. Oliver Law Firm attorney Sach Oliver was honored to be included in the article. This was the opening paragraph to the story.
“Every year, you can look around and see the amazing ways that Northwest Arkansas is growing and developing. People around the nation are taking note of the quality of life we experience in our area – and it’s only betting better. Cultural treasures have been blossoming, businesses are experiencing great success, and entrepreneurs are turning vision into reality. With generations of wisdom and expertise laying the foundation of our region, the next generation of leadership has been set up to thrive.”-Celebrate Arkansas, July 2016.
The Story continues in 2021.
The November 2021 issue of Celebrate includes an article “Where are the Now?” and includes a follow-up on Sach from the 2016 article. Oliver Law Firm attorney Ryan Scott is quoted in the article, “Sach’s talent as a trial lawyer is outmatched only by his heart as a person. The miracles that are made through Oliver Law Firm’s Kids Foundation are awe-inspiring. The funds raised for Northwest Arkansas charities are remarkable. But most of all, his spirited example that we are all family, working for each other in our community, is a calling we can all head.”
Everyone at Oliver Law Firm congratulates Sach for continuing to be One to Watch in his business, family, and charitable pursuits. He is definitely turning his visions into reality.
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