Stay True to Yourself – Ethical Delimma’s

On February 19th I was honored to be one of the guest speakers for the Northwest Arkansas Community College (NWACC) conference “Habits of Successful People.” My presentation consisted of life stories and lessions on the topic of ethics. Following is my presentation outline of “Stay True to Yourself.” The different ways I believe we experience and deal with ethical dilemmas.


  • What Happened? – You didn’t recognize the ethical dilemma until it was over.
  • Justifiable Choice – You rationalize or justify a wrong.
  • The Bad Choice – You consciously know right from wrong and choose wrong anyway.


  • We Will Fail – This part we can’t stop. It’s going to happen
  • Admit Our Failure – This is difficult to accept.
  • Improve Ourselves – The most challenging step. Identifying our past failures and recognizing future failures as learning experiences. Using self-discipline to iimprove ourselves and prevent continued failures.

Thank you again to the student and faculty leaders at NWACC for inviting me to speak at their conference. I appreciated the feedback from the students that attended my session. Their words were both humbling and awe-inspiring.