Living the Good Life in Your 100s

U.S. News & World Report has a special issue this month on Aging Well: HOW TO LIVE TO 100. I suggest everyone buy this magazine and read it carefully. In our firm we do focus groups on all of our cases. One of the questions that always pops us is how long will the client live or how long would they have lived in the defendant had not killed them? In every focus group, jurors say, 80 is the new 60, 70 is the new 50, and so on. I believe it.

My mom just celebrated her 50th birthday (she’ll kill me for telling), but we were laughing and joking that she has only lived half her life. With today’s medicine and technology, I think people will continue to live longer and longer.

Go buy U.S News & World Report, February 2010.  A little taste of topics: What Science Reveals about Aging, Is Your Job Killing You?, The First Baby Boomer’s Heart Battle, and the list goes on.

Live Long,