Dangerous Holiday Driving


What is the most dangerous driving weekend of the year? According to the National Safety Council (NSC) it is the Memorial Day weekend. The NSC estimates 415 people may die on the roads during this upcoming 2021 holiday weekend.

Along with the NSC, we encourage people choosing to travel by car to plan ahead, practice defensive driving, and follow these 5 safety tips to arrive safely at your destination.*

  1. Buckle up: Estimates are the seat belts have saved 374,276 lives. WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT! And make sure car and booster seats are installed and used correctly.
  2. Slow down: More than a quarter of all traffic fatalities are caused by speeding. Drive the speed limit. And be award of other vehicles and those walking or biking near the roadway2.
  3. Drive distraction-free: Cell phone use has caused thousands of deaths every year. PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY! #JustDrive.
  4. Arrange alternate transportation or designate a sober driver: Holidays are associated with higher-than-usual alcohol consumption. But impaired driving can also be caused by drugs, marijuana, and some over the counter medicines. Any of these can cause drowsiness, alter visual functions, and affect mental judgement and motor skills.
  5. ‘Prepare before you go: Make sure your vehicle is safe for travel. Check the oil, tire pressure, and keep your gas tank above ½ full in the event of stalled traffic. (It is always good to check for open recalls concerning your vehicle. Visit ChecktoProtect.org for open recalls.)

If you have been involved in an accident, call us.  We can help.  The consultation is free.  (479) 202-5200.