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Samuel grew up in the beautiful countryside of Calico Rock, Arkansas, where he attended the Calico Rock School District and graduated in the top of his class. Throughout high school, Samuel dedicated his time to several school associations, including: Sr. Beta, Mu Alpha Theta, Gifted and Talented, the Basketball program, the Sr. High Golf program, the Trap Shooting Program, and many other organizations.
After completing high school in 2012, Samuel graduated in 2014 with his Associate of Arts Degree, Cum Laude, from Arkansas State University in Mountain Home, where he was honored Vice Chancellor’s List and Phi Theta Kappa. Thereafter, he continued his education and received his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Arkansas in 2016 with honors Dean’s List and Pi Sigma Alpha. Samuel then decided to undergo law school, so he attended the University of Arkansas William H. Bowen School of Law and graduated with his law degree in May2019, and thereafter passed the bar exam in July of 2019. Throughout law school, not only was Samuel part of the Phi Alpha Delta organization and Student Bar Association, but he also had the experience of practicing in several different areasof law, including: Elder law, Real Estate law, Lobbying/Contract law, Criminal law, and Domestic Relations law.
Samuel’s favorite hobbies include spending time with his family and friends. Specifically, he enjoys travelling, boating, watching movies, reading, hunting, fishing, and riding around his family’s farm in Calico Rock. In addition to his hobbies, Samuel served as President of the Benton County Bar Association for two consecutive years from 2022-2024, and he is a member of the Arkansas Bar Association, the Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association (ATLA), the American Association for Justice (AAJ), the Academy of Truck Accident Attorneys (ATAA),and is a Board Member on the Arkansas Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section.
Samuel joined Oliver Law Firm in December 2019 as a trial attorney. He says he is proud to work at Oliver Law Firm because he has always admired the firm’s procedures and successes for its clients; because his interests and skills align with the firm’s practices; and because the firm dedicates a lot of time and work to charitable organizations and the community.
Calling the Hogs as a third-grader led Sam Mason to the Oliver Law Firm
Sam Mason was well-versed from an early age in all things related to the University of Arkansas Razorbacks. So as a third grader living in Calico Rock, a town of about 1500 residents that is 140 rugged miles from the UA campus, he took every opportunity he was given to “CALL THOSE HOGS”.
Then Jeanie Oliver, his teacher and a friend of his parents, asked him to join her on the three-hour drive across the northern reaches of the state to see the Hogs play in person at Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium in Fayetteville. It was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up. And, as it turned out, the trip not only provided a milestone moment in his life as a sports fan but in his professional career, as well.
Sam doesn’t remember who Arkansas played or whether they won the game, but two things stuck with him. One involved his wardrobe and the other was meeting a man who later would become like an older brother to him, as well as his boss.
“At the time, I didn’t have much Razorback gear—I mostly wore Calico Rock Pirates gear,” Sam says of the wardrobe memory. “All I had was a red Kansas City Chiefs sweatshirt that I got when my family went to a game at Arrowhead. It was hot outside, but I went to the game wearing that red Kansas City Chiefs sweatshirt and I burned up. I’m sure a lot of people felt sorry for me!”
Sam was wearing the sweatshirt when Mrs. Oliver introduced him to her son, Sach, who at the time was a law student at the U of A. More than a decade would pass before he saw Sach again, but it was hard to forget the 6-foot-2 cowboy who grew up on a farm not far from Sam’s family.
In 2019, Sam graduated from law school, passed the bar, and was searching for his first full-time job as an attorney. He remembered going to that game, calling the Hogs, and meeting Sach Oliver. And he knew Sach had gone on to become one of the nation’s most successful trial lawyers. So he called to see if the fellow north central Arkansas native had a job opening. The phone call led to an interview that led to a job for Sam at the Oliver Law Firm.
“He gave me a chance, and I ended up here by the grace of God,” Sam says. “And I’m so fortunate that I did.”
Sam’s parents and grandparents, like Sach’s mother, were educators, as were most of the people in his family. They planted the seed of a career in law early in his life, but it didn’t take root until his sophomore year in college when he decided to take their advice, change his major to political science, and then go to law school.
Sam gravitated to the prosecution side of law, so a job with the Oliver Law Firm as a trial lawyer proved to be the perfect fit and a great training ground professionally.
Initially, Sam mostly did background research and issue spotted in cases, but he soon earned more and more responsibilities. He now takes depositions, works with expert witnesses, and argues in court hearings, and recently he was the lead attorney on a case that resulted in a $420,000 jury verdict for the firm’s client. While he had helped on many cases through the years, that was his first time as “first chair.”
“When I got ready to speak my first sentence, my mouth was totally dry,” he says with a smile. “It was like I’d been in the desert for 10 years. But it worked itself out and I got over it quickly and went on to dominate the Courtroom for my client.”
Whether he’s leading a case or supporting others on the team, Sam says he’s driven by the relationships he’s able to build with the clients and the appreciation he has for the opportunity to make a difference in their lives.
“I like to get out and do the investigations – to see the crash scene, inspect the tractor trailers, or whatever it might be – so that I really understand what happened,” he says. “And I like to meet the clients in person and build a relationship with them. I get to be a part of their lives and meet their friends, family, and coworkers. That’s what I really love about the job – getting to empathize and sympathize with them. It makes me feel like we really are a team, so I’m able to get through all the difficult things in the litigation that I need to in order to help the client.”
The impact the Oliver Law Firm has on the lives of clients really hit home for Sam with a case he assisted on when he was starting his second year with the firm.
“There was a man, Tom, and his wife, Chris, and they were heading home after getting groceries when another vehicle pulled out and hit them,” Sam says. “The airbag never went off, so, tragically, Tom died from that. It left Chris without a husband and their daughter, Abby, without a father. And it left Abby’s newborn son Grayson without a grandpa.
“I developed a relationship with the family during the litigation. And every time I saw Chris or Abby, it invigorated me to stay on track and follow through on all the things I needed to do. Because I knew that wasn’t just me who would be impacted by whether I did a terrible job or a good job. I knew it was impacting Abby and Chris and Grayson and the rest of the family. Everybody.”
The product liability case settled without a trial, and Sam remains close to the family. In fact, he recently was invited to Grayson’s birthday party, and he was excited to see Abby at the firm’s annual Bonanza, a fundraising event that supports the hOofin’ iT hippotherapy charity.
“Grayson recognizes me and anytime we see each other he runs up and I give him a big hug and all that kind of stuff,” Sam says. “It’s like we are family. We spend that time together and we call or text and just check in with each other. And I can see the impact the outcome of the case has had on in their lives.”
Sam appreciates the influence his work has on the lives of others in part because he’s seen the impact other people have had on his life – like his family who raised him to be the man he is and, of course, like his third-grade teacher who took him to a college football game and her son who has become his professional and personal mentor.
“I am fortunate for the leadership and opportunities at this firm,” says Sam. “It’s unlike any other firm out there. And it’s not just their leadership related to my work. It’s personal leadership about my finances, important life decisions, my religion and more.
“Sach has been my mentor since the beginning, and he does everything he can to help me out in any situation. My family, of course, is close with him now. And I’m just blessed to be able to wake up and do what I do every day. I never take it for granted.”